Kelli Donovan is a seasoned fashion professional, specialising in ethical fashion, slow fashion events, and workshops.

A Journey of Passion, Determination, and Sustainability

With over 30 years of industry experience, she offers a unique perspective and support for your projects, blending sustainability, circular design, and ethical supply chain knowledge. Positive change is possible when you embrace new possibilities. Reach out with your dreams, and let’s start a conversation.



Creativity is at the heart of everything Kelli does. She sees the world through colour, texture,  shape, pattern, styling and the environmental impacts the design industry has in it’s supply chains and people involved. Her depth of knowledge in sustainable design is extensive and passionate. 


Now more than ever creatives, businesses, corporations and communities need to collaborate on making more sustainable pathways to a cleaner and climate friendly planet for our future generations. Together we can make bigger impacts to a positive environmental circular design industry and be mindful of what, why and how we use our natural resources together.


Being truly honest in the design and manufacturing phase is not always an easy task. There are so many elements involved with designing products and manufacturing from the farm to the factories to the retail spaces and then to waste. By honestly looking into the design process we can start to become more equipped with knowledge of the product by using more honest skills, ingredients and design processes that have a lighter foot print on our planet and people. Kelli has an open and honest approach to sustainable design and to the full cycle of her products.


Our planet is our only home, without respecting it and reducing our foot print in manufacturing, designing and recycling, it will not be able to thrive and regenerate. If we take too much, it will not sustain healthy eco systems to keep us safe and healthy ourselves. Fashion and manufacturing have a huge impacts on natural resources, climate change, waste management and social impact.  By designing with mindful purpose, designing in sustainable ideals and keeping as much product circular as possible, we can prevent further damage to our planet for our future generations. 

Kelli’s love of the environment, yoga and enhancing community is her way of giving back to our planet and to respect the health of our bodies and empower women through fashion and art from the inside out!


Kelli is an experienced fashion professional, specialising in ethical fashion design and slow fashion events and workshops.

Her extensive design career has covered a range of industry roles from senior fashion designer, textile designer, product development, project management, ethical supply chain and sourcing specialist, local and offshore production management, tech packs, flat lay illustrations, web design, and graphic branding, styling, education and retail and wholesale fashion sales.

Kelli has built a history of strong stakeholders, customers and sales relationships across multi functioning teams, covering quality management and the customer experience.

Kelli is an experienced ethical fashion event manager with a strong background in tertiary education, sustainable community education, communications and client services and collaboration across varying industries. Experience in all forms of communication to a varied audience as an industry leader in fashion and sustainability.

She has run many slow fashion events and creative courses, workshops and VIP designer events. Some of these have been private collection showings and others larger public events. She has done these at The Australian National Botanic Gardens, The National Portrait Gallery Canberra, The Environment Centre ANU, Dairy Road Precinct, Cardif Collective, Fashionably Numb event held during the Design Canberra Festival at the Dairy Road Precinct, and The Canberra Institute of Technology and Fashion Revolution events involving the CIT fashion students and public attendees.

Kelli helped create a new online course as an SME for Collarts, Melbourne School of Art, in Fashion and Sustainability. She has taught fashion education at the CIT in textiles, creative fashion drawing and other fashion classes since 2015 in various stages. She has also run small public workshops around sustainable design and sourcing at Cardiff Collective Fashion Inqubator.